LWN is a business/social organization for professional and management women, trans, non-binary and other gender nonconforming people. The organization is non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-profit. Its purpose is to give women, trans, non-binary and other gender nonconforming people opportunities for business/social contacts.
LWN’s mission is a business and social organization for professional women, trans, non-binary and other gender nonconforming people. We strive to foster belonging and empowerment through networking.
Founded in 1982, we provide an outlet for women, trans, non-binary and other gender nonconforming people in the Lawrence business community to get together and share their career experiences. LWN continues in recognition of the fact that every business person needs to regularly widen and update their business knowledge, be reminded of old ideas and exposed to new ones, while making new contacts and being encouraged by others.
Meeting attendance is not required. Encouraged and appreciated but not required.
Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month, unless a holiday interferes.
Meetings start at 11:45 and end by 1:00.
Social hour gatherings and special events are held several times a year.
The board is elected yearly. Any member is eligible. The board meets monthly.
Bring a friend. Visitors are welcome to attend two times before applying for membership.
Membership dues are $40 per year and are prorated each quarter.